Hills Creek Spillway Gate Hoist Equipment Replacement

Project Date: 20200101
Customer: USACE, Portland District

Project scope:
The purpose of the Hills Creek Spillway Gate Rehab project was to upgrade the three spillway tainter gate structures to current standards, replace trunnion bushings and gate seals and replace gate hoist equipment, wire rope and controls.

KCS worked with an AISC certified fabricator to fabricate the new downstream structure and trunnion pedestals. During demolition on the first gate, stress cracking was found at the critical girder flange connection with the arms, necessitating a mod to strengthen these connections.

KCS completed all onsite installation and field welding of the gate to complete the installation of the new gate end frames, trunnion mounting and trunnion bushing installation. New wire rope connections were also attached to the gate skinplate.

Key features of work:
1. AWS D1.5 Fracture Critical Fabrication and Installation
2. Lead Abatement
3. Vinyl and Moisture Cure Urethane Paint Application
4. Structural Bolting
5. Seal Removal and Replacement