Wanapum Dam Spillway Gate Painting & Trunnion Rehabilitation

Project Date: 2020
Customer: Grant County PUD

Rehabilitation scope:

Rehabilitation of 50’ wide by 67’ tall x 64’-6” radial tainter gates including trunnion bearing replacement, structural modifications, gate coating system replacement, seal replacement and control cabinet replacement. Rehabilitation on all twelve gates has been successfully completed and KCS completed the project in June of 2020. Replacement of all gate control cabinets was completed in May of 2017.

• Design, shop fabrication and field installation of a modular swing staging support system used to provide access for the upstream gate coating replacement
• Designed and installed 12 new spillway gate control panels. Replaced feeders, seal and seal plate heaters for each spillway gate
• Field construction of a containment and ventilation system as required to complete the LBP abatement blasting and coating system replacement on each gate
• Designed and utilized a gate support system (gate tipping structure) to safely and efficiently manipulate each 200 ton gate during the trunnion removal and reinstallation process
• Completed the precision installation and alignment of trunnion pedestals
• Utilized DTI washer to make up bolted connection between each trunnion housing and gate arm

Quality key point:
Project Milestones 1 through 4 completed safely, on time, on budget and in accordance with the plans and spec